If you know your Password but your User ID is LOCKED then try again after 20 minutes with
your latest known Password.
For a New password for Exporter, ask your Bank/Branch, and for a New password for Branch User ask your Head office to raise a 'Reset Password' Ticket through (Tickets -> Reset Password)'.
For correcting Wrong data, Technical and Operational problems, Bank/Branch may raise a Ticket through (Tickets -> New Ticket).
If you are unable to submit the Ticket, please send an email (detail with screenshot if necessary)
To: tausun.akhtary@bb.org.bd; m.belal@bb.org.bd; shimul.chandra@bb.org.bd
CC: hasan.mamun@bb.org.bd;
Exporters should contact their Bank/Branch to resolve their problem.
While there is a query against your Ticket (Status Query_by_BB), please send a reply within 3 working days.
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Information and Communication Technology Department.
Bangladesh Bank